“Lagom comes from the Swedish phrase “Lagom är bäst” (the right amount is best), which we believe is the secret to sustainable living. Not denying yourself what you love, while not taking from the planet more than you need.” Ikea
2 years ago Ikea started a new ‘Sustainable Living Project‘ where they gave 250 employees £500 each to invest in sustainable living and asked them to record their journey. The results were huge and inspirational with all of the employees saving more, wasting less and living healthier! For this reason, Ikea decided to run the project again. However this time they wanted to include both employees and customers from the UK and Ireland, and Live LAGOM was born.
I received an invite to become a Live LAGOM Ambassador and take part in this years Live LAGOM Project. Having studied Geography at A Level and now Product design at university this is very exciting for me especially being a huge IKEA fan (is that a thing?)
I have to admit I haven’t actually been living a ‘sustainable Lifestyle‘ so far but I did follow last years project and am excited to start! It will hopefully make a difference not only to my ‘Home’ life but also my life as a student. If you would like to find out more about the project visit
I can’t wait to Blog more about my experience so make sure to subscribe to keep up to date!
