Hello again everyone, and HELLO 2018!

Shirt- H&M // T-shirt- Diesel // Jeans Topman // Shoes- Vans
I am that person who treats the new year as a completely fresh start, a clean slate. Even if I don’t physically change anything, mentally I leave 2017 behind and have a new beginning.
In the past, I have been terrible at keeping my ‘new years resolutions’, mainly because I name way too many really unrealistic ideas and never plan how I will achieve them then a few days later have completely forgotten about them all,

But this time I’m only going to have one, Get Sh*t Done, simple and here’s 4 ways I’m going to do it
1. Stop endless scrolling. I am completely addicted to my phone, I recently downloaded the app ‘MOMENT’ which tracks how long you spend looking at your phone and my average is 5 hours a day. CRAZY I wouldn’t consider wasting 5 hours a day on anything else, and what am I actually gaining from scrolling Instagram in bed for an hour at night or at lunch? That’s not beneficial, I HAVE to cut down and I’m starting now.
2. Stop saying NO, to be honest ive got into a routine and I’m very happy to go home after uni, curl up at watch Netflix, but this year I want to step outside my comfort zone, say yes to more opportunities, last minute nights out and trips, your only young once and I don’t want to look back and regret it.
3. Stop the late nights, ok this sounds like I’m contradicting the last point but ive got into the routine of going to sleep at 3am and I hate it, I really want to be one of those morning people and this year I’m going to try my hardest to resent my body clock (with the odd exception for a night out)
4. Just Stopping, sometimes I feel like I’m head down running through life just aiming to be the 30-year-old who doesn’t work weekends and drives a jeep (its a plan not a dream ok) but I want to step back and appreciate where I am, a few years ago I would have dreamed to be where I am now, at university, have my own blog, drive my mini, I’m going to take time to appreciate the small stuff which will hopefully motivate me to do even more

Will I stick with it? who knows!
Thanks for reading!