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November Favourites


November has been a month of confused weather, University deadlines and Trying my best to be a bit more Lagom, but I’ve still managed to get out and about to have a few things to talk about


MY PHONE     so starting with the best thing that happened this month was getting my new phone, My last phone was 3 years old, didn’t have a home button and I even had to re-case it because the screens kept cracking it was so bent , I am usually pretty good at looking after phones but it had definitely seen better days!

Living away from home you soon realise how much you rely on your phone. so getting the new iPhone 7  was amazing, my Mum and Dad surprised me by visiting Belfast one evening and taking me to the Apple shop. I choose the matte black standard sized 7 *after standing in the apple shop holding each colour for a good half hour lol* so far I am loving the huge screen, big battery and unreal camera especially compared to my last. I can’t wait to take blog pictures on it!



SOSTRENE GRENE, I wouldn’t be surprised if most people haven’t heard of this place, I hadn’t either until I was walking out of urban outfitters Belfast and seen it across the street, it’s basically a homeware/craft shop which started in Denmark, the stuff in there is amazing and unbelievably affordable, I can’t believe I hadn’t heard of it before, the Belfast store only opened this month and is sure to be popular. It’s laid out like IKEA where you follow a path around passing different sections. I’ve taken some pictures to give you an idea of what they do.



BMW M4  My third favourite this month has been this car, I don’t know why but I’ve been looking them up all month (daydreaming about a lotto win) and  I think I’ve liked every photo of them on Instagram at this stage! I think it’s one of the best-looking cars out at the minute, although it has been out for some time now the aggressive front, sporty rear end and luxury interior are all unreal, Someday.



This month I didn’t have the chance to sit down and make some decent playlist, which I really want to do on this new phone but three songs I have been listening to most this month are

  1. Grimes – Genesis

  2. Jonas Blue – By Your Side

  3. Jamie XX-I Know There’s Gonna Be


The temperatures have dropped like crazy this month and one evening on the way home from class after getting absolutely soaked in the rain, I stopped off in Primark to get the warmest waterproof coat I could find! I was Surprised how nice this £15 coat was, I had 3 compliments on it the next day which isn’t common! It’s super warm and can be rolled into my bag when I don’t need it. It’s also available in a range of colours and is such a good cheap alternative to other brands.


The second piece of clothing I purchased this month was a Grey h&m Hoodie For ages I had been wanting a nice Grey Hoodie to throw on in the mornings for Class. I got this at £19.99 it has long drawstrings and a kangaroo pocket keeping my hands warm in the freezing weather as well as the soft  brushed inside.

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